Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I CANT BELIEVE JENNA ALREADY HAS HER BELLE DRESS I NEED PICTURE IMMEDIANTLY!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha That Totally just made my day ohhh mannnn if there a video of when  you told her??? Anything???? EEEPP

Jenna- I will DEFINATLY plan on coming to utah every Halloween from now on because I need more chances to wear the dress. MANNNNN You have to wear it at Kates first brithday and then I will be there for birthday number 2. BOOM. Poor Kate.... she has no choice but to love princesses... she aint got a chance.

 Its so fun to hear about Mothers day weekend- sooo wish I could be there those weekends where everyone was around are the best. Glad to hear that Sams farewell went good!! Ya he will be an awesome missionary- how weird that everyone is going on missions... I think its weird to hear about because usually I would be the one saying I wanna go to their farewell but now... I am serving a mission... SO WEIRD. Rewind 6 months ago and I was still set on Disney. Madness. whaaaa. Anyway I love hearing where/ when everyone is going- and I am super glad you got to see Olivia. She is the coolest person in the entire world Haha

Ok!!! A Brief review of kinda what I already told you guys over skype but just for records sake I will re-live some things hahaha Hopefully I appreciate them later. maybe... probably not... Ok so last friday was kind of a downer day because our investigators were dropping us like nobodies business... literally we went from 8 to 3...... -___- Dumb. But we were still really busy with rushing to appointments since we teach A LOT of meno-active and A TON of new converts.. so we were running around like crazy people and as we are heading to the subway I look up at a balcony on the socond floor and this man is leaning over the edge just glaring at us. He saw the tags we were wearing and was completely digusted by us. So obviously we just keep walking and right as we walk under him, he ever so nicely spits on me. And like a good-luck spit like in movies, but a nice from the throat-loogie spit. Joy. Landed right on my shirt slid all the way down until I preceeded to flick it off. Holy Nasty. I could'nt even do anything becasue we were late so I just kept walking with my companion and waited for her to get off the phone so I could be disgusted with her.. So she finally gets off the phone and I explain what happened and she saw NOTHING: GAAAA hahaha So we head down into the subway  and I am standing there still in awe at what just happened and suddenly my skirt get very loose. very very loose. So I grab it and I tell Sorella DUrfee on no! I this one of my saftey pins snapped! Now- this skirt was big to begin with so I had like 4 saftey pins to take it in an extra inch or two- so I start taking the saftery pins out and all 4 were there so I am super super confused and now the skirt is like SUPER big and I can't figure it out! So I reach back to the zipper and IT WAS COMPLETELY DOWN. Now this is not a zipper that can come undone by itself.... but in fact someone had come and unzipped all 8 inches of my zipper in the middle of the mezzi. So OF COURSE at this exact moment when I discover this the mezzi comes and I am forced to get on the train with a SWARM of people holding my skirt up with one hand. I finally zip it up in the back in a panic but the skirt is still too big cause I took the saftey pins out so I trying to NOT get my bag stolen and trying to NOT have my skirt fall off AHHHHHHH It was a disaster. hahaha.

So THAT was fun. Not really. Alma 26: 16ishhhh maybe..... There is a perfect scripture for that... talks about getting spit on. Havent found a realatable scripture for the skirt thing yet though.... Let me know if you find one.

On the bright side!!!! We were at a bus stop on Monday trying to talk to anyone who would listen and this lady came up to us and asked "Do you speak English?" EEEP!! Most beautiful thing someone has ever said to me. OH HECK YES I SPEAK ENGLISH. Haha I was a little excited. So She was talking to us about her life in general and then she ASKED US if she could meet  with us again... ummmmm YES. So she gave us her phone number and SHE called US today and asked us when church was and how she could get a Book of Mormon.... WHAT?? So cool and we have two lessons set up with her this week. SO COOL! We also have two babtisms coming up that we are really excited for :)))) One is this month and the second is next month and actually we are asking three other people this week if they are wanting to get babtised... and by that I mean we ask them if they will be babtized on a spacific date hahaha so hopefully those all follow through.

Yesterday we had a new misisonary training and I got to see four other people from my MTC District!!!! So I saw Haslem (my MTC Companion), Ervin, Winky/Bowlwinkle, and Lemmo!!!! WAY too much fun, I am not gunna lie I almost cried when I saw them Hahaha I miss them so much cause we really got super close in the MTC.. well duh cause we were with each other 24-7.... But anyway I REALLY am praying I get to see them all again really soon. EEP.

Uhhh this morning for breakfast I had pizza...... I dont know if thats ok hahaha but we are poor and were out of food so we had leftovers..... and by "out of food" I really mean we were out of Nutella.... Hahaha totally kidding. We don't eat with members hardly ever so we go through a lot of food.

Also this monday was my first time having Gelato. All the rumors are true. Its amazing.  Will DEFINATLY not be buying that for myself cause I would just eat the whole thing with a spoon in 5 seconds flat.

I hope everybody has a great week!!!  I miss America but being a missionary is pretty awesome everyday. ALSO can I get pictures of my Cinderella dress with Jenna pictures? Ok great. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! Miss you way too much.


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